A downloadable The Game for Windows

Tutorial Video

In a peaceful world filled with blessings and wonder a new power is rising that threatens to bring chaos to this idyllic land. Dark forces are once again set to challange the ways of peace and are gathering themselves to battle against one and all.

Their quest for power means the furnaces shall be lit, new mines opened and mighty fortresses built. The time of peace seems to be coming to an end, can you hold such powers in check or will you too be dragged into the chaos of this dark age.

A Few Good Souls stand ready to be guided by your right hand. May blessings be upon your quest brave Steward and may the forces of darkness be sent back to whence they came.

Should you fail then grave stones, bones and the ghosts of the fallen shall be all that remains on this our island home.  

16GB RAM - SSD - 64bit Windows
(Run the game twice to ensure shaders have compiled)

Take control of your villagers and have them build your castle as you wish. Take
advantage of hills and other natural features to maximise your castle defences.  Use towers, gates, walls, draw bridges and more to make your castle formidable.

Produce the weapons and armour your villagers and knights need to defend themselves from  enemy viking raids and opposition factions. Produce swords, axes, bows and even cannon to defend your realm.

Arm your knights and towns folks with whatever weapons you can produce or win in battle. Refine and expand production to produce weapons of legendary strength. Take full control and manage weapons for each villager and knight.

Expand your sphere of influence through economic trade with other factions. Set up trade ties or send messangers to declare war. Emmerse yourself in a world of medieval court intrique where the evil plot against the just.

Generate Unlimited Custom Maps using the easy to use map creation tools. Set the tools as you wish and hit generate to create a new map to play on. No more waiting for developers to design and test maps for you, making your own is as simple as knight and day.  Create easy or difficult maps and explore what you have created.

Follow the game here on itch or on the Citrus2D  channel


A Few Good Souls Open Alpha V045 Win PC 465 MB

Install instructions

This game uses UE5. If you have issues install the prerequisits found in the game folders, this will install standard UE5 files so the game will run. If you are a regular gamer  you will probably not need these as they will already exist on your PC.

There is currently no game quality settings in this download. Options will be provided as development continues.

UE5 Prerequisits
Game Folder / Engine / Extras / Redist / UEPrereqSetup_x64

Saved Game Files (AppData May be hidden on Windows)

Development log