Tree Lighting & Winter Effects Update

Hi Parkers,

Over the past few weeks Ive made some fairly massive parks and during that time ive been fixing issues with the game as and when Ive comes across them. One of the things  that has been annoying me when playing with Night/Day and Season Cycle on is that the winter and trees either were not working correctly or didnt have the correct winter effects added to them. This I have addressed and Im pleased that I did as its made a big difference to the overall game. Not everyone will want to play through the seasons but those that do can now enjoy much better visuals on tree and ground assets during the winter months. Also included is a general tree update which now includes subsurface scattering, this effect helps simulate light passing through leaves etc and has made a big difference to the look of some trees.

The Following Updates are now included in the Demo Download

* Fixed the Date Palm Price so that it is now correct when harvested
* Fixed the Mango Tree Prices so they are now correctly priced as well.
* Increased the difficulty by 2X, so expect a harder game even on easy.
* added snow to trees that dont lose their leaves in winter
* added subsurface scattering to trees, gives a more realistic lighting setup
* Fixed a ground issue that changed the colour of the ground when clicking on camera

Above: An old image of Autumn before these tree and lighting updates

Above: With Subsurface Scattering On

Above: Rather than a single colour palm trees now catch the light much better.

Above: Trees that dont lose their leaves during winter now have the correct winter effects applied to them.

Above: Trees like the oak now get coated in snow during the first winter months.

Additional Updates
* Changed the colour of the most expensive holiday cabin
* Reduced the profits from both cabin types by about half, so dont expect such large profits from either anymore.

Follow the game here on itch to get the latest development and release news as it becomes available.
And dont forget to sub the games development channel on youtube to help me reach as many gamers as I can.

A big thank you to all those who have helped support the game as I continue to develope it and make it the best park building tycoon game I can for you all.


National Parks Tycoon PC Demo 872 MB
Jul 13, 2023

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